Ghost in the Street!Do you aware a Ghost is Standing there?The invisible man!
Do you believe in Ghost?This is not a Hollywood computer generate CG effect.A real man is blending into the background.Ghost: Standing among earthquake rubble after an earthquake in Sichuan, Central China.
I experienced the dark side of society, without social relations, and had a feeling that no one cared about me", I felt myself unnecessary in this world".
He's not the Ghost. Liu Bolin ,the Chinese artist has made an art of becoming the invisible man.Standing silently in front of his chosen scene, in locations all around the world, the 36-year-old young artist uses himself as a blank canvas.He added that the inspiration behind his work was a sense of not fitting in to modern society and was a silent protest against the persecution of artists.
Liu Arranges himself against a colorful wall
I am standing, but there is a silent protest, the protest against the environment for the survival, the protest against the state"
My work is a kind of reminder, to remind people what the community we live in really looks like, and what kind of problems exist."
Drop You Fear!
illustration : Caters News Agency Ltd.