
New Entrecard owner:ZipRunner

Last week I wrote about Time With Entrecard.A week later Graham Langdon
(Founder of Entrecard) announce that Entrecard has been Acquired by ZipRunner Inc.

I can't say much about ZipRunner,how they might help entrecard.It seem everything remain unchanged,accepts the "sign up for CashOut" in the dashboard (above the Apply coupon)is gone,my "Cashout application waiting" still in waiting.Everything remain unchanged.

It really doesn't matter,i have no intention to make money from it.
ZipRunner has the resources, vision, and dedication to Entrecard that will allow it to grow in pursuit of the vision I laid out nearly two years ago.
According to Graham,his relationship to Entrecard will be an advisor,and he will help ZipRunner take the whole project to the next level.

Next level?
Personally i really think Entrecard need some change in order to growth bigger, better.The “drop and run” phenomenon,action against the bounce rate,the advertising system ,the cash out algorithm,etc. Now, with new management and ownership stepping in,what will they do to move Entrecard to next level?

For those who have been members for days, weeks, months,or years.Like it or not ,Entrecard is just a social media.It cost you nothing.We still hope the new management keep bringing us a reliable and stable service, and great new features and strategic direction.

How new owner(ZipRunner)give it another boost
...Let's wait

BTW i was thinking,what/who


could be?

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