LET Larry Alone!!!!
Larry is 70 years old..but he is a lobster..
Oceana,a seafood restaurant which is ironically located across the street from CityLobster,showcases its shellfish in glowing turquoise tanks.A 70 years old big lobster..
Restaurant writer Ryan Sutton has dined on his share of lobsters, but the plight of one venerable crustacean has left him without an appetite. "Larry" is a 70-year-old lobster at New York's
Oceana restaurant awaiting its fate as a $275 entree. Sutton admits he's never given much thought to the age of any of the cows or pigs he's feasted on, but 70 years?
"There’s something deeply unsettling—logic and science aside—about feasting on a creature so long-lived," he writes for Bloomberg. "Surviving to such an age, having dodged lobster traps all his life, doesn’t he deserve some sort of 'get out of jail free' card?"
New Sources:http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=awCmSDIFL8xA
I don't know why ,I really hate those people who hurt animal and eat,i was in a bad mode when i heard this..
UPDATE:Larry's life have been spared.. Larry Lives!
UPDATE2 :Another old Giant Lobster founds in the English Channel..Giant Lobster who's older than YOU