
Make money from Entrecard Ads

Entrecard will be co-launching an Ad Network and a Credit Cashout Service.

A real ad network
Entrecard will accepting cash payments from third party advertisers(non entrecard members)to run 125×125 advertisements through their widget network(entrecard members).

Ads will targeted by category, for a low CPM rate to be announced.

Sell Entrecard credits for cash
With the money Entrecard make selling from selling the paid ads to third party advertisers(as much as 50% of their network impressions)Entrecard will purchase your credits from you.

This means you'll be able to sell your credits for cash, right from your dashboard.It also mean your Entrecard credits (EC points) will become MORE valuable.

According to Entrecard , 75% of revenues will accumulated for the members( by cashing out your credits). 25% is to grow the business as a solid revenue source.Isn't that a great place to be socialize at the meantime earn some extra money from your blog.

Anyone who has ever placed Entrecard Widget through entrecard over the last year and a half, Let's get some rewards.

Update:EentreCard paid Ads is now live!

What is Entrecard 1 Page down Rule?
Launching a Third Party Ad Network and a Credit Cashout Service

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